Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Nathan Lewis Lecture Reflection
From Nathans lecture, he reconfirmed my belief that solar energy/power is the way to go. I only have one question. Why didn't we discover this (solar energy) was the most resourceful and beneficial power source ever? Why didn't we find some way to harness this energy a long time ago? For being such a beneficial source, I would think some one would think to harness this energy.
Seriously solar is the way to go. There is no carbon emissions and we can power all of our utilities forever. I wonder if there is a way we can some how record how the plants convert sunlight into energy and mimic them. If we can do this, we will then be able to create photovoltaic paint for houses which would take a huge chunk out of energy bills.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Artist Statement
We also mention ways to start being beneficial. We talk about the incorporation of recycle bins and compost bins all around San Diego. An example would be the University of San Diego (USD). Even though they don’t have compost bins, they have recycle bins next to a majority of trashcans around campus. If places around San Diego took this initiative, then we could preserve so many resources because they will just keep getting re-used.
Our project is mainly going to be a flash based with some pictures and voiceovers. In our video we display interesting statistics that display the magnitude of how much we waste, that can actually be re-used.
Monday, November 9, 2009
5 Annotated Sources
This website discusses the idea of using landfill waste as an energy source. They talk about harvesting the gas and fumes from the incineration of landfill waste and converting that to energy, hence the name WTE which stands for waste to energy.
This website gives a lot of of information on bio fuels and the positive effects they have on the environment and why they are a better alternative than fossil fuels. They also bring up the issue of bio fuel, food supply and how these two subjects connect with each other.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Final Draft
Bed Prep and Compost
With the topic of bed preparation and compost there are a lot of issues. But with issues there are always solutions, and creating solutions is what my special assignment group is aiming to do so we can create a bountiful garden.
Bed preparation is preparing the bed of soil to grow crops. One method of bed preparation that is effective is double digging. Double digging makes the bed fluffy and very easy for roots to grow in and for water to reach the plants. The process of double digging is quite simple. To double dig a trench has to be dug across the trench horizontally (preferably) and 12 inches deep. Remove that soil and soften up the dirt that was dug out. Then put that soil back into the trench and repeat this process until the entire bed is double dug. It is important not to step on the dirt that has been double dug because this will compress the soil. Compression of soil won’t allow adequate water flow to the plants roots which will then in turn, kill the plants in the long run, and/or stunt their growth. Of course this is only one method used to prepare a bed for planting. There are a lot of different methods that can be used for any garden.
The accomplice to bed preparation is composting. Composting is the decomposing of bio-degradable and organic matter into a conditioner for the soil. Some things that are good for composting are: all organic waste from your garden and kitchen, all fruit, vegetables, flowers and leaves, tea and tea bags, coffee grounds, egg shells (preferably crushed), weeds(We should watch out for weed seeds that might make it through composting), grass, shredded twigs, pruning’s and cuttings. Also waste paper including tissues, kitchen towels, newspaper, printer paper, corrugated paper/card and cardboard but not too much; it should all be torn up or crumpled and well mixed in with the rest of the compost. Of course not everything can be composted. There are a lot of things that shouldn’t go anywhere near compost piles as well. Basically anything that is non bio-degradable (anything that cannot break down over time) cannot go into a compost pile for the obvious reason; nothing will happen. Non bio-degradable items include metals, plastics, radioactive waste, etc.
There is more than one way to compost. Different methods of composting include, pile compost, closed bin compost, and worm compost. These are just a few methods on the list of many. Pile composting (also known as heap composting) is a form of composting consisted of throwing bio-degradable materials into a heap and letting the pile decompose over a period of time. The pile should be turned periodically to ensure everything (bio-degradable material) is being decomposed. Closed bin composting is the exact same thing as heap composting except for the fact that all compost contained in a bin. Worm composting is a very good method of composting because worm castings are very rich in nitrogen and other nutrients vital to good soil. Just like bin composting, worm composting is done within a bin. To construct an optimal compost system is quite simple. A compost system can be made from the big would pallets that can be found at a liquor store, and plastic mesh. To start, find a spot where you want your compost bin to be. Once you have found a good location it is time to construct the compost system. Create a box made of three would pallets on the ground and tightly secure them. Once that is done you have created the base of your system. It is good to start some soil from the store, just to make sure the organic matter being put in the bin has something to decompose into. Once that been as been created, keep adding crushed organic matter and bio-degradable material.
When composting it is important to take in account the many different factors that come along with it. Some of these factors include water, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, temperature, and compost starters. It is important to have the right balance of each element because too much or too little of each thing and lengthen the composting process. Water is used in compost for several reasons. The main reason is the keep the soil moist, moist soil provides a home for all the bacteria breaking down matter. Another reason is because water is able to maintain the temperature of the compost when it is at high temperatures, allowing for maximum decomposition. Oxygen is the most essential element, without it there would be no bacteria to break down matter. Oxygen fuels the process that bacteria undergo in compost called respiration (C6H12O6+6O2 (yield) 6CO2+6H2O). Carbon is provides energy to the bacteria in compost. This is also what produces the heat in compost piles. Usually carbon can be found in a lot of dry brown matter. Usually things like wood, straw, and dead leaves. Nitrogen, another important element in composting serves as protein. It is used to reproduce more bacteria. Nitrogen can mainly be found in fruits and vegetables. Temperature is another important factor when composting. The compost heap shouldn’t pass or go below certain temperatures. The maximum temperature that a compost pile can with stand is around 160 °F because if the pile is too hot, the bacteria are at risk of dying because of such a high temperature. The minimum temperature that a compost pile can strive in is 32 °F. At this temperature a certain bacteria called psychrophile starts to multiply and warm up the pile.
With all the advancements in science applied to agriculture today, the future of our compost and crops for that matter isn’t looking so bright. Because of chemical and man-made pesticide use in current agricultural practices across America, farmers are unknowingly slowly killing their crops and the bacteria in the soil. Pesticides are any substances used to kill pests harmful to crops. Herbicides, another form of pesticide used to kill weeds around the crops are just as corrosive as pesticides. The thing is, pesticides and herbicides have chemicals that are actually harmful to the soil. Pesticides kill bacteria in the soil which play a key role in gathering nutrients for the soil. So basically, more pesticides equal more dead plants and less life in the soil, leading to poor nutrition in the soil.
There are pros and cons to pesticides. Some pros are that with the help of pesticides there are claims that people have been saved from diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and typhoid that they would have gotten if pesticides weren’t applied to the crops. Pesticides also destroy unwanted pests. Now some of the cons are that pesticides have a negative effect on wildlife and soil. One major con is that approximately 275 weeds and about 500 insects have adapted to or become resistant to at least one pesticide. Because of this adaptation to pesticides, farmers today are losing more crops then in the 1940’s[i].
Pesticides will soon be the major cause of decreasing crop yields each year. This is where the alternatives come in. There are many methods that can be taken into account that will help protect crops and leave absolutely no waste to the environment. The first alternative is the most tiresome of all, and that is handpicking all the weeds in the garden. If a garden is very large, this may not be the best option seeing that a farmer would have to weed the garden for an immense amount of time. Another alternative is technique called “trap planting”[ii]. This is where a plant(s) is/are purposefully planted away from the crops that the farmer wants to keep safe that will definitely attract pest. By using this method, pests will migrate to that plant and then that plant can be removed from the garden. Some examples of trap planting are:
The last method to mention is called “companion planting”[iv]. This is when a crop with a natural repellent is planted next to another crop that has a pest that the other crops repellent repel away. To put it in simpler terms, a crop that repels a certain pest is planted next to a crop that has pest that the first crop repels against. One example of companion planting is with beans. Beans can help a number of different crops. Beans are planted by crops such as “Corn Spinach, lettuce, rosemary, summer savory, dill, carrots, brassicas, beets, radish, strawberry and cucumbers”[v]. By doing so, beans repel California beetles, which are pests to the crops I just mentioned. Not only will alternative methods protect the compost, but also the plants growing in them as well.
Alternatives with pesticides aren’t the only thing that people today can do to perfect their gardens. We also need to take into account how the capacity at which we can compost. On average, a household wastes about 14% of the food bought[vi]. According to a study done at the University of Arizona in 2004, roughly 40-50% of produce ready for harvest never gets eaten[vii].With that being said, there needs to be an implementation of compost bins all around America, even around the world at some point. If All Americans composted the 14% of food wasted each year (taken into account what can and can’t be composted), not only would their food go to waste, but this alternative would make for a very sustainable household. As for the 40-50 percent of food wasted on farms, if they implement compost bins on their farm and start composting their food wasted, that would do wonders for their garden because it that would provide even more nutrients for the plants. If Americans could get started on this path of non wastefulness, we could improve the stated of farms across America, and nothing would go to waste.
Alternatives to well know practices known today are the key to a brighter and healthier future for all. All we need to do is take the time to do what is right and make the world a better place.
[i] “Pros and Cons of Pesticides.” 1998. Pesticides. 14. Oct 2009<,consof_pesticides.html>.
[ii] Ann R. Waters, “Alternatives to Pesticides”.2009 Pesticide Control Program. 14. Oct 2009<>.
[vi] “On average, American households waste 14 percent of their food purchases.” 2004. The Medical News. 14. Oct 2009<>.
“Pesticides.”2009.Wikipedia. 14. Oct 2009<>.
“Herbicides.”2009.Wikipedia. 14. Oct 2009<>.
“Some Tips on Making Compost” 2001. Envocare. 14. Oct 2009 <>.
“Composting Methods.” University of Illinois Extension. University of Illinois. 14. Oct 2009<>.
“Composting with Red Wriggler Worms.” City Farmer. 2009. Canada’s Office of Urban Agriculture. 14. Oct 2009<>.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Reasearch Question Annotated Sources
Link 1
This website explains how some waste may be considered to be beneficial. The state of Virginia is actually taking initiative to remove the name waste for all waste that is beneficial and can be reused.
Standards have been set to determine whether waste can be beneficial or not.
To be beneficial waste has to be useful of course. Here is a list of waste that is beneficial:
"Nonhazardous petroleum contaminated soil which has been treated to the satisfaction of the department in accordance with 9VAC20-80-700;
(6) Nonhazardous petroleum contaminated soil when incorporated into asphalt pavement products;
(7) Solid wastes which are approved in advance of the placement, in writing, by the department or which are specifically mentioned in the facility permit for use as daily cover material or other protective materials for landfill liner or final cover system components;
(8) Fossil fuel combustion products when used as a material in the manufacturing of another product (e.g., concrete, concrete products, lightweight aggregate, roofing materials, plastics, paint, flowable fill) or as a substitute for a product or material resource (e.g., blasting grit, roofing granules, filter cloth precoat for sludge dewatering, pipe bedding);
(9) Waste tire chips when used as a subbase fill for road base materials or asphalt pavements when approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation or by a local governing body;
(10) Waste tires used in the production of commercial products such as mats, pavement sealers, playground surfaces, brake pads, blasting mats, and other rubberized commercial products;
(11) Waste tire chips when used as backfill in landfill gas or leachate collection pipes, recirculation lines, and drainage material in landfill liner and cover systems, and gas interception or remediation applications."
This is just a short list of all the waste that can be beneficial.
This website discusses how construction waste from construction site can actually be turned into mulch and used as a soil additive. Also, the materials that are usually wasted at a construction site have different minerals that are able to leach in soil.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Special Assignment Research Paper
With topic of bed preparation and compost there are a lot of issues. But with issues there are always solutions, and that is what my special assignment group is aiming to do so we can create a bountiful garden.
Bed preparation is preparing the bed to grow crops. One method of bed preparation that is effective is double digging. Double digging makes the bed fluffy and very easy for roots to grow in and for water to reach the plants. The process of double digging is quite simple. To double dig a trench has to be dug across the trench horizontally (preferably) and 12 inches deep. Remove that soil and soften up the dirt that was dug out. Then put that soil back into the trench and repeat this process until the entire bed is double dug. It is important not to step on the dirt that has been double dug because this will compress the soil. Compression of soil won’t allow adequate water flow to the plants roots which will then in turn, kill the plants in the long run. Of course this is only one method used to prepare a bed for planting. There are a lot of different methods that can be used for any garden.
The accomplice to bed preparation is composting. Composting is the decomposing of bio-degradable and organic matter into. Some things that are good for composting are: all organic waste from your garden and kitchen, all fruit, vegetables, flowers and leaves, tea and tea bags, coffee grounds, egg shells (preferably crushed). Some more things good for composting are: weeds, grass, shredded twigs, prunings and cuttings. Also Waste paper including tissues, kitchen towels, newspaper, printer paper, corrugated paper/card and cardboard but not too much; it should all be torn up or crumpled and well mixed in with the rest of the compost.
There is more than one way to compost. Different methods of composting include, pile compost, closed bin compost, and worm compost. These are just a few methods on the list of many. Pile composting (also known as heap composting) is a form of composting consisted of throwing bio-degradable materials into a heap and letting the pile decompose over a period of time. The pile should be turned periodically to ensure everything (bio-degradable material) is being decomposed. Closed bin composting is the exact same thing as heap composting except for the fact that all compost contained in a bin. Worm composting is a very good method of composting because worm castings are very rich in nitrogen and other nutrients vital to good soil. Just like bin composting, worm composting is done within a bin.
Of course not everything can be composted. There are a lot of things that shouldn’t go anywhere near compost piles as well. Basically anything that is non bio-degradable (anything that cannot break down over time) cannot go into a compost pile for the obvious reason; nothing will happen. Non bio-degradable items include metals, plastics, radioactive waste, etc.
With all the advancements in science applied to agriculture today, the future of our compost and crops for that matter isn’t looking so bright. Because of chemical and man-made pesticide use in current agricultural practices across America, farmers are unknowingly slowly killing their crops. Pesticides are any substances used to kill pests harmful to crops. Herbicides, another form of pesticide used to kill weeds around the crops are just as corrosive as pesticides. The thing is, pesticides and herbicides have chemicals that are actually harmful to the soil. Pesticides kill bacteria in the soil which play a key role in gathering nutrients for the soil. So basically, more pesticides equal more dead plants in the long run because of malnourished soil.
There are pros and cons to pesticides as viewed differently. Some pros are that with the help of pesticides there are claims that people have been saved from diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and typhoid. Also they destroy unwanted pests. Now some of the cons are that pesticides have a negative effect on wildlife and soil. One major con is that approximately 275 weeds and about 500 insects have adapted to become resistant to at least one pesticide. Because of this adaptation to pesticides, farmers today are losing more crops then in the 1940’s.
Pesticides will soon be the major cause of decreasing crop yields each year. After creating such nutrient compost, we don’t want that all to go to because we just don’t want to use pesticides. This is where the alternatives come in. There are many methods that can be taken into account that will help protect crops and leave absolutely no waste to the environment. The first alternative is the most tiresome of all, and that is handpicking all the weeds in the garden. If a garden is very large, this may not be the best option seeing that a farmer would have to weed the garden for an immense amount of time. Another alternative is technique called “trap planting”. This is where a plant(s) is/are purposefully planted away from the crops that the farmer wants to keep safe that will definitely attract pest. By using this method, pests will migrate to that plant and then that plant can be removed from the garden. The last method to mention is called “companion planting. This is when a crop with a natural repellent is planted next to another crop that has a pest that the other crops repellent repel away. To put it in simpler terms, a crop that repels a certain pest is planted next to a crop that has pest that the first crop repels against. Not only will alternative methods protect the compost, but also the plants growing in them as well.
Alternatives with pesticides aren’t the only thing that people today can do to perfect their gardens. We also need to take into account how the capacity at which we can compost. On average, a household wastes about 14% of the food bought. According to a study done at the University of Arizona, roughly 40-50% of produce ready for harvest never gets eaten. With that being said, there needs to be an implementation of compost bins all around America, even around the world at some point. If All Americans composted the 14% of food wasted each year (taken into account what can and can’t be composted), not only would their food go to waste, but this alternative would make for a very sustainable household. As for the 40-50 percent of food wasted on farms, if they implement compost bins on their farm and start composting their food wasted, that would do wonders for their garden. If Americans could get started on this path of non wastefulness, we could improve the stated of farms across America, and nothing would go to waste.
Alternatives to well know practices know today are the key to a brighter and healthier future for all. All we need to do is take the time to do what is right and make the world a better place.
“Pesticides.”2009.Wikipedia. 14. Oct 2009
“Herbicides.”2009.Wikipedia. 14. Oct 2009
Ann R. Waters, “Alternatives to Pesticides”.2009 Pesticide Control Program. 14. Oct 2009
“Some Tips on Making Compost” 2001. Envocare. 14. Oct 2009
“Composting Methods.” University of Illinois Extension. University of Illinois. 14. Oct 2009
“Composting with Red Wriggler Worms.” City Farmer. 2009. Canada’s Office of Urban Agriculture. 14. Oct 2009
“On average, American households waste 14 percent of their food purchases.” 2004. The Medical News. 14. Oct 2009
“Pros and Cons of Pesticides.” 1998. Pesticides. 14. Oct 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thoughts on the Seminar
Another topic (which I think I brought up by the way) I was really into was the lead by example topic. Everyday Americans will do anything and get anything that celebrities have (well in most cases, not all). If celebrities start endorsing home gardens, or even the president, that will start a chain reaction within country of celebrity followers. If Oprah gets a garden and she tells people about it on her show, I am pretty sure within the following weeks hundreds of thousands of people would have one. This just shows the power of celebrities to benefit mankind!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Compost and Bed Preparation
Best Practices: For compost there really is no best practice. Any practice is good for composting. The different practices for composting bin compost and pile compost. Bin composting is when someone puts bio-degradable waste into a bin and let that wast decompose. Pile composting is basically where someone has a pile and they just keep adding waste to it and let that decompose.
With composting, there are good things to put in a pile, and bad things. Basically anything that is not bio-degradable you shouldn't add to you compost. Things such as metals, plastics etc.
Bed Prep:
Best Practices: With bed preparation, one of the best known practices is double digging. Double digging allows your bed to become every soft. With double digging, what you want to do is dig a trench that is about a foot deep and move what you dug up out of the way. Once you have done that you want to soften up what you have just dug. Once you have softened that up, you can put that back in the trench. Now you have fluffy soil good for planting things.
Something everyone should know about double digging is that once you have softened up an area of you bed, it is important not to step on that part at all. If you step in that, then your soil will become compressed again, and hard for anything to grow.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Rsearch and Annotations
Compost is composed of biodegradable organic material
"Compost is simply decomposed organic material. The organic material can be plant material or animal matter. While composting may seem mysterious or complicated, it’s really a very simple and natural process that continuously occurs in nature, often without any assistance from mankind. If you’ve ever walked in the woods, you’ve experienced compost in its most natural setting. Both living plants and annual plants that die at the end of the season are consumed by animals of all sizes, from larger mammals, birds, and rodents to worms, insects, and microscopic organisms. The result of this natural cycle is compost, a combination of digested and undigested food that is left on the forest floor to create rich, usually soft, sweet-smelling soil."
"Some Tips on Making Compost." Envocare. 30 Sept. 2001. 15 Sept. 2009
So there are good things that we can use for compost and there are ad things. This website explains both of those.
What's Good to Compost
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What's Bad to Compost
There is more to compost and soil then just watering it and letting the plants grow. The soil needs to have the perfect balance of pH levels.
"Do you give your garden as much love and attention as your neighbor, yet your garden is not as healthy and productive? Chances are, your soil pH level may be out of balance. "pH" is a measure of your soil's acidity or alkalinity. Each plant in your garden or yard, has an ideal pH range that it will thrive in. This ideal range varies from plant to plant. If your garden soil is outside of this ideal range, the vital nutrients and minerals your plants need may become "locked up" in the soil, and the roots are unable to absorb them."
"Testing your soil's pH (and nutrient levels, too) should be a routine task for gardeners. It is also a fun task if you test it yourself. Even if your garden has been productive over the years, soil testing can be beneficial. Soil ph can get out of balance for a number of reasons. Most often, using inorganic fertilizers will make your soil more acidic over time. Adding amendments to the soil can also alter your soil's pH. If you do not test your soil occasionally, you are passing by the opportunity to maximize your plants' potential in the size, health and quality of flowers, vegetables and fruits."
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Senior Project Entry
I have an idea for a senior project that has two parts. Part one is just a whole section on how we can reduce our water use and how to be mindful. Now part two includes how we can get more drinkable water. What I consider to do (even though this might not be physically possible) is to collect all of the fresh water that's melting from ice caps and things like that and just harvest it. Just think, if we are able to do that, then not only will we have more available water to drink, but we also won"t have to worry about the world flooding from global warming. So that idea works on both ends.
I think another very important topic is energy because like we were discussing in class on Friday, there is only so much energy left in the world that's available to us. The big question is where will we turn for energy once fossil fuels run out(of course we don't have to worry about that in our current generation, but to take inconsideration future generations.)? One of the only ways I know to fix this is to start turning to other types of fuel now.
This leads into another idea for my senior project where somehow I can get a petition signed to lower the cost of alternative fuels and energy.
These are just some ideas I am working on.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Plant Research
Plants for the garden:
Squash, Broccoli, Cabbage
Top 2:
Squash, Broccoli
So I really want to plant a squash in our class’s community garden. Squash is a vegetable best eaten at the mature fruit stage. The best time to grow squash is during warm frost-free seasons; preferably around spring to mid-summer. Since San Diego is so warm, I figured we could grow them during winter anyways since our weather is our warm now as it is. Squash takes about ten to fourteen days to germinate. The only preparation is to stick the seed in some warm soil and water. Like I mentioned earlier, squash is extremely hard to grow in cold weather. It takes squash about forty or fifty days until it reaches full maturity. I think this will work out for our garden because if we plant my squash seeds at around early October, that should leave quite some time for the squash to grow. We can then harvest them well after the 40-50 day period just in time to enjoy them at our exhibition. Squash needs about two too two and a half feet spacing between seeds. Squash needs very rich soil because they are food hogs. The soil needs to be well drained and the squash also need to be fertilized. They need to be watered regularly. It is important to just keep the soil moist not wet. Squash prefers soil that is slightly acidic, with a Ph level of about 6. About N-P-K ratios: the preferred ratios are 10-20-10 or 5-20-20. Squash should be water regularly. It is good to water them about three times per week. It is also good to water them at the roots. Drip irrigation is most likely the best way to water them. dress with the granular type. An interesting fact about Squash: The English word "squash" derives from askutasquash which literally means “green thing eaten raw”
Broccoli is the second plant that I would like grow in our garden. Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family Brassicaceae. Broccoli is best grown in the spring and fall seasons. Broccoli just like squash is grown by seed. Broccoli usually takes about ten days to germinate.
Monday, June 1, 2009
While workin on my magazine article I learned a lot about writing.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Magazine Reflection Pt. 2
I think there were actually a few things about my writing that improved. What improved was my headline, and actual changes in my writing such as being aggressive and changing my "ing" words when necessary. Well all my work would have never been corrected if Randy had not taught the class and me all types of different writing techniques.
I think what still needs work my actual writing. I say this because i know somewhere in my piece there is at least one or two pancake sentences. I think what will help me improve is to incorporate what Randy said about making my sentences concerts not pancakes. I have to make sure my sentences have strong beginnings and a strong ending so that the reader will want to keep reading because the sentence is so good.
Like I mentioned in question one, I learned so much about writing that I never knew before. I never knew someone could have to much of something in their writing. Apparently you can. Too many "ing" words can turn your writing into an irrelevant piece. It is only good to use "ing" words only when necessary.
Another thing I learned about was the use of sledgehammer words such as "extremely, completely, very, totally, definitely, and really". These words only have power if used rarely in your writing. But an overdose of these words will result in bad writing.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1. What went well for you during the process of creating this magazine?
I think what went well during the magazine process was drafting and revision. I got a lot of drafts of my writing critiqed and that was what i really wanted to focus on anyway. I also think having a very good editor played a big role in what went well for me with this magazine. My editor jacob completely turned my article into a great piece.
2. What challenges did you face as you moved from an early draft or idea to a final product?
Well in the beginning of this magazine project when we were first deciding what to put in the magazine, I had decided to put in internship reflections. About midway through the drafting and revision process i completely changed my idea from internship reflections to my Obama economic advice blog. Although I didn't get as many drafts as if i had that piece from the beginning, I still got an sufficient amount of feedback. Luckily with all that feedback and editing my paper, it will now be in the magazine so I feel that I accomplished something.
3. What other examples of work—student and professional—stood out as exemplary and served as a good model for your own work?
I think a piece of writing that stood out to me was Stephanie Luna's article on the Tijuana River Valley pollution situation. I think her article was very well written and straight forward. There were some parts where she could use editing, but that problem could be easily fixed. I jus thought that with her paper, she had very good flow. Her writing would just go from one subject, and then transition to the next subject flawlessly.
3. What other examples of work—student and professional—stood out as exemplary and served as a good model for your own work?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Obama Socialism
I found and article called Blame Bush, Not Obama the article discusses how Obama is not trying to make us a socialist country, but socialism has actually been around since Franklin D Roosevelt. Although that comment was made, in another article I read called Steele urged to label Obama a socialist the author Ralph Z hallow discusses how a man name Mr. Bopp, who is part of the RNC( Republican National Convention) said: "Just as President Reagan's identification of the Soviet Union as the 'evil empire' galvanized opposition to communism, we hope that the accurate depiction of the Democrats as a Socialist Party will galvanize opposition to their march to socialism,". He then proceeded to say "The threat to our country from the Obama administration cannot be underestimated," Indiana RNC member James Bopp Jr. wrote Wednesday in an e-mail to the full RNC membership. "They are proceeding pell-mell to nationalize major industries, to exponentially increase the size, power and intrusiveness of the federal government, to undermine free enterprise and free markets, to raise taxes to a confiscatory level." Republicans feel that Obama is trying to create a socialist nation just like the WWII era.
i feel that these remarks made about Obama and socialism arent applied appropriately. What Obama is trying to do is not create a socialist country, but to reconstruct our economy based on socialist ideas.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
LIT Groups
Well I was able to finish my book, so I am proud of that fact.
What would u like to change?
I would have changed the reading due dates because I am such a slow reader.
What was your book about?
My book was about a little white boy and a nigger and they go on adventures.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Photo Essay

Rochelle Kline-Casey
My mentor is one of the coolest and nicest people I have ever met. Rochelle is Luke and my team leader. Everyone in our certain test group is a team. At internship she gives us work that is useful to us and our team, instead of something like fixing her coffee or picking up her dry cleaners. What I like about her is that she tries to accommodate for Luke and me. She is really involved with getting us involved. Every time when she gives us a new assignment by the next day she will have an entire PowerPoint on the assignment at hand for us so that we know what we are doing. I remember the very first meeting we had I didn’t understand anything that my team was saying because of their acronyms. To help Luke and me out, Rochelle took notes in the meeting of what everyone one was saying. Later on she gave us a sheet that had all the words that we didn’t understand. Not only is Rochelle nice but she gives me cookies and takes me out to lunch. I am proud to say she is my mentor she is a great team leader for Luke and I.
Luke Hatschbach
This is my co-intern. Some may see him as a friend. But I see him as a teammate and work reliever. I don’t know how I could survive at internship without him. If he weren’t there, I would probably be the only person in my building under the age of 18. He is also there when I want to talk about things that I wouldn’t feel so comfortable talking to anyone else about. The greatest thing though, about having another intern in the work place is the distribution of the work load. I am so thankful that Luke is at Qualcomm with me, because if he wasn’t, then I would literally have to work for about three or four hour’s straight. A situation where Luke and I were able to split the work load in half was when one of our mentors co-workers gave us about 20 packets worth of test cases we had to run. Some of the packets were 30 pages long! That was no worry to us because we were able to just split the work in half.
Conference Room
It was the very first day of internship. All of the students were told to meet in a conference room. My very first information on what Qualcomm is and what they do took place in a conference room. The conference room is used for a lot of different thing they are extremely important to workers at Qualcomm. My co-intern Luke and I have received all our training in conference rooms. In fact, it was the very first place that we met our mentor Rochelle Kline-Casey. At the start of internship conference rooms were all we used, especially for the 1on1 interviews with every worker in our division. Periodically every week Luke, me, and the rest of the team report on our progress in meetings. These meetings take place in the conference room and are called scrum meeting. In the conference room we first call in to a Qualcomm branch in
The computer to Qualcomm is like a cell to the human body. It is the most important thing at Qualcomm. Everything is done via computer; there is not one job that doesn’t involve one. Everything I have done has involved a computer. Another important aspect of my computer is email. That is what we Qualcomm workers survive on. Emails let us know what is up, and when meetings are (such as the daily scrum meetings). The computer is also my entertainment during lunch breaks or when I’m bored and don’t have anything to do. You tube has become my new best friend in the work place during my lunch hour. While at work, what better beverage to consume then hot chocolate? This is the drink I consume the most, mainly because there is no limit on how much I can have. The words free beverages just made my mind go crazy and I would not stop drinking hot chocolate!
Hot Chocolate
One of the most exciting things I heard upon entering internship was all drinks were free this including soda and hot chocolate. I was sort of interested in the soda but hot chocolate is something I don’t usually get. I didn’t think twice, I seized that opportunity and drank hot chocolate to my hearts content! There is only one word to describe this substance; addictive. Hot chocolate is like my drug at internship. I can’t go a day without it. Hot chocolate is what gets me through my day. Hot chocolate is what gives me the energy to complete my work on the computer. I consume three or four cups of hot chocolate every time I go to internship. During Immersion I went crazy! I averaged about six a day! That is a total of about 60 hot chocolates in a span of two weeks. Many of my co-workers such as Luke would always comment on my drinking issue and say that I drink too much and consume too much sugar. Well that may be true, but I love it.